Building Manager's Duties
Posted by Dino Biordi

- Liaise with the Strata Managing Agent and provide the information requested by the Strata Managing Agent;
- At the request of the Owners Corporation, attend meetings of the Owners Corporation and the Executive Committee and provide a Building Manager’s Report to Executive Committee members and strata managing agent;
- Issue, receive and log Resident ‘Move In’ and ‘Move Out Forms’ and Resident Register Forms for owners and occupiers moving into and out of the property;
- Provide assistance to owners and occupiers about the proper use of common property;
- Arrange for adequate pest control for the common property (cost of a pest controller to be paid by the Strata Scheme);
- Record and report to the Strata Managing Agent and Executive Committee any insurance event affecting the Owners Corporation insurance policy within one (1) business day of notification to building management;
- Contact and liaise with the Police in the event of break & enter or vandalism to common property and keep the relevant residents informed of the events. Obtain an incident number from the police, names & phone numbers of all parties involved and complete and file a detailed incident report with the Executive Committee and Strata Managing Agent;
Review and obtain security footage from CCTV cameras if required;
Develop and implement processes and systems for all work safety requirements including external trades and services;
Schedule and arrange for statutory certification and inspection of Common Property to ensure all plant and equipment is maintained in accordance with applicable Australian Standards and Building Code of Australia. For example, fire safety maintenance inspections & certification, lift safety certifications for Work Cover;
Receive, review, approve and code all maintenance (preventative and reactive) invoices for payment by the Owners Corporation and forward to the Strata Managing Agent for payment within a reasonable time being no longer than two weeks from the receipt of the invoice;
Manage and monitor the performance of all contractors;
Report to the Executive Committee on a monthly basis on matters in connection with the repair and maintenance of the Common Property.
Prepare and provide to the Owners Corporation and the Strata Managing Agent information to assist with the determination of the annual budgets for the service contracts;
Report all Work, Health and Safety and Public Liability issues to the Owners Corporation;
At the request of the Owners Corporation advise on long term maintenance programs for the common property;
Issue general notices (i.e. reminders or notifications) to residents or place up notices on the noticeboard when directed by the Owners Corporation Executive Committee or Strata Managing Agent at the Strata Scheme’s expense;
Review applications for renovations, signage and works and make recommendations to the Owners Corporation as required;
Liaise and with local council officers as required regarding waste management to ensure there are adequate recycling and waste bins for residents;
Obtain current copies of licensees, insurance and registered business details of contractors before they commence works on common property to ensure that that they are adequately insured (Strata Managing Agent will also carry out an annual insurance audit on Contractors); and
Obtain adequate Safe Work Method Statements from contractors to ensure that all work performed is in accordance with the Safe Work Method Statements.
- Conduct by-law inspections on a fortnightly basis;
- Advise the Strata Managing Agent on issues of compliance with the by-laws for those residents requiring escalation on notices of compliance with the by-laws; and
Supervise the use of the Common Property visitor car parking when on-site and breach those residents parking their vehicles not in accordance with the scheme’s by-laws.
Develop, and make recommendations to the Owners Corporation on the services contractors and the scope of works for each service contract;
Liaise with qualified contractors to determine the suitable scope of works for regular maintenance and service contracts;
If requested by the Owners Corporation obtain quotations for the provision of any service and any service contract;
Negotiate with the service providers for work contracts including their terms and make recommendations to the Owners Corporation about tenders received;
Manage and monitor the performance of all maintenance contracts and regular tradespeople engaged. Develop a system for monitoring their workmanship, response time and attendance;
Review on an annual basis the service contracts with the service providers;
At the request of the Owners Corporation terminate the services or replace the services of any service provider;
Supervise any service contracts that are in place under warranty arrangements;
Common property and/or Shared Facilities faults and damage will be treated as follows:
Arrange, generate and issue a work order for repairs which cost less than $1500 (excluding GST)
Obtain two quotes for repairs valued between $1,500 to $3,000 (excluding GST) and make a recommendation to the Executive Committee for consideration;
Obtain three quotes for repairs valued over $3,000 (excluding GST) and make a recommendation to the Executive Committee Nominated Representative for consideration
Generate and issue work orders for non-routine maintenance works for repairs or maintenance works in excess of $1,500 (excluding GST) once approved by the Committee.
Liaise with service or maintenance providers where invoices are in dispute about the quality of workmanship;
Schedule and co-ordinate preventative maintenance services for common property and maintain a log of each maintenance inspection and details of the service or work completed;
Undertake small handyman tasks. For example, tightening door handles, adjusting door closers etc.
- Establish and maintain a register of security devices issued to Owners, Occupiers and Real Estate Agents leasing in the building;
Conduct security audits on access devices provided to residents, owners, property agents, tradespeople, and other agents as requested by the Owners Corporations;
Monitor and program the security key control system and, upon request from the Owners Corporations act as an authorising party;
Maintain an adequate batch of security devices (paid by the Owners Corporation) on-site for programming as required;
Program security access devices;
Arrange or replace security keys for apartments and provide security keys for Owners and Occupiers (at a reasonable cost payable to the Owners Corporation, such costs to be determined by the Owners Corporation);
Replace security access swipes/cards for apartments and provide security access swipes/cards for Owners and Occupiers (such costs to be determined by the Owners Corporations); and
Maintain a batch of security devices (paid by the Strata Scheme) on-site for programming as required.
- Conduct inspection of Common Property areas and plant and equipment to ensure the property is clean and carry out any minor cleaning required such as removing small items of rubbish or small liquid stains;
Clean up any rubbish/debris in the landscape, ground floor common areas and car park on a daily basis;
Check main foyer entry and external doors/fire doors are secure;
Check main garage doors are working;
Check garbage rooms and chutes are working and no blockages;
Check community room is clean and tidy;
Monitor, review and report to cleaners any performance issues and follow through to ensure performance issues addressed; and
Review gardens after landscapers have finished their daily work.
Check that hot water tanks have power and are operating at the correct temperate;
Ensure all fire stairs (level 1 up) are clear of obstructions;
Check irrigation control are set properly and working;
Check car park exhaust control panel has no faults;
Confirm fire sprinklers are not damaged;
Confirm external lights are working; and
Confirm fire indicator panels have no faults.