Asset Management
Posted by Dino Biordi

Asset Management for Building Managers
- Multi-storey Residential Strata Buildings
- Commercial And Office Buildings
- Retail Centres
A Building Manager needs to provide strategic and tactical maintenance programmes to ensure optimal operations of all plant and equipment. Creating an asset register has significant features which include allocating building assets to the balance sheet and knowing what assets and trades are required to maintain, repair and replace components.
The Building or Facilities Manager is required to understand the regulatory compliance and operations of a building to create an optimal, safe and a ordable environment.
Building Managers should take ownership of their developments, assets and the following items to deliver successfully on Total Facilities Management.
• Asset management (Lifts, mechanical, electrical, plumbing services, etc.) • Essential services provision (AFSS, fire systems, etc)
- Health & Safety (Risk management, WHS, etc)
- Access and egress
- Building repairs and maintenance
- Cleaning and general maintenance
- Contract and contractor management
- Energy and water management
- Gardening and grounds maintenance
- Monitoring of pools, spas and saunas (e.g. water filtration, pumps etc)
- Maintaining security for property occupants and assets
- Record keeping (reporting, legal requirements, monitoring, etc)
- Responding to complaints and suggestions
- Increase comfort and amenity for facility users
- Concierge, mail and other ‘soft’ services
- Reducing asset life cycle costs
- Enhance the building’s identity and image
- Improving building performance
- Space management (e.g. e ective utilisation of space)
- Implementation of sustainability projects
- Building Code and Regulatory Compliance
- Undertaking large capital projects (e.g. defect work)
- Stakeholder engagement
- Waste management
Contact us today to find out more about our Building and Facilities Managers.
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